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Nacor Puig Nuñez
I’m a Spartan Race Winner. This is How I Eat, Train and Maintain Mobility

Nacor Puig Nuñezs Stats When We Talked with Him 💪

28 years
177 cm
82 kg
(181 lbs)

Follow Nacor on Instagram and Facebook

👋 Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training

My name is Nacor, I am 28 years old and I live in Barcelona working as a personal trainer.

I have been training for many years. I started running and biking. I went from Barcelona to Budapest by bicycle (watch video about the bike trip), and I was a winner of an Ironman and a Half ironman in 2014.

Then I moved from triathlon to OCR (spartan racing) where I was in the Spanish Top Five for two years, winning some spartan races and being in the top of the sport in my country. You can follow my road on my Instagram @nacorpuig.

Then I decided to stop being skinny and started training with weights and putting on some muscle. Now I compete in men’s physique and work as a personal trainer in my own gym.

⏱ Describe a typical day of training

I love strength and bodybuilding training because it makes me feel stronger and I don’t need to spend as much time as on triathlon training sessions.

My current typical day of training is strength-based. I believe in becoming stronger not just bigger. That is why I start my session with a basic powerlifting exercise. Ex: flat bench press, sets under five reps, before chest workout.

I love strength and bodybuilding training because it makes me feel stronger and I don’t need to spend as much time as on triathlon training sessions.

I do cardio exercises because it is not only necessary when cutting, but it is also very beneficial for cardiovascular health, and to be able to eat a little bit more.

I love running because I’ve been a runner during lots of years but I think HIIT training is the most effective type of cardio. I love jumping rope too.

👊 How do you keep going and push harder?

I think I can keep pushing harder for so long because I LOVE sport. That’s the KEY. You have to love it if you really want to achieve something. That’s a lifestyle, and if you don’t like it you are not going to be able to live it in the long term.

I love to divide my year in some small goals. Weight goals helps me to keep pushing.

🏆 How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

Now my long term goals are to become a better personal trainer and online coach, and to be in a good shape all year round. Not just getting bigger (and fat) and the cutting and getting shredded for a show.

I know being in a good shape means stop growing in size, but now I almost have the size that makes me feel good.

🤕 How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?

You must train your mobility in order to be healthy and avoid injuries.

Proper warming up and mobility training are keys for avoiding injuries. You must train your mobility in order to be healthy and avoid injuries.

Recovery is a very important part in the process. I try to sleep nine hours every day but I must confess I never achieve it, however, I always sleep more than eight hours a day.

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The quality of your seeping is key too, for this you should go to bed and wake up everyday at the same hour, and being relaxed before going to bed. Melatonin can help you so much. Foam roller massage always works well when you have overloaded a part of your body.

🍎 How is your diet and what supplements do you use?

When cutting, you should be eating the maximum amount of food that allows you lose weight.

I have tried paleo, keto, intermittent fasting. I think they are the best for health goals, and to feel good with yourself, but they don’t work when your goal is to get bigger and more shredded. That’s why now I eat five times a day, trying to reach my macros and giving time and small food portions for my gut to digest.

When cutting, you should be eating the maximum amount of food that allows you lose weight. It is not good to cut a lot of food from the beginning. It will stress your body, make your metabolism slower and make you lose muscles.

I try to program my cheat meals. If I have a social event, I would fit my cheat meal on that day. If I am preparing for a show, I don’t go, or I carry my own food, but just when prepping for a show. Social life is VERY important for your health.

I drink coffee everyday. I used to drink tea. I drink alcohol only a few times a year.

If you eat properly, you don’t have to handle with cravings.

👍 What has inspired and motivated you?

I have to say that I am a motivated person. I always want to train and improve. I don’t need external things to get motivated. But music is very important part of the trainman session.. choose it wisely!

Pre-work out supplements are a good idea when you feel sleepy, and not activated/motivated
that’s the one I use is Total Energy Shot Orange from Namedsport.

✏️ Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?

For a beginner, the most important part is training so my advice is: Train heavy but with proper technique, TRACK and write in a notebook your weights in basic exercises and try to make weight progressions instead of just working out 12-10-8-6 sets. Try to get stronger.

🤝 Are you taking on clients right now?

Yes, that’s what I do for a living and what I like the most: Helping people to make physical transformations. I LOVE this even more than trainman itself.. I think that’s why my service is so personal and high quality (you can see the work with my clients in desiccated instagram histories in @nacorpuig).

I think people is very lost when it comes about loosing weigh, and gaining muscle mass because they think you can do that two things at the same time or they think you can never get fat from “good and healthy food sources”.. I love to TEACH my clients, not just guide them to reach their goals.

People ask me if they can gain muscle and loose fat at the same time. My answer is always NO because you have to do it in different cycles and be patient.

📝 Where can we learn more about you?

Currently, I am working on my new website page but you can find me on instagram @nacorpuig and on Facebook as Nacor Puig Núñez.

0 thoughts on “I’m a Spartan Race Winner. This is How I Eat, Train and Maintain Mobility”

  1. Josep Lluís Puig

    I can confirm that Nàcor ís a naturally motivated person with extraordinary will power. I love his philosophy on outdoor training and his great health benefits. Good publication.

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