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Edir Terry
How MMA and Weight Lifting Became My Lifestyle

Edir Terrys Stats When We Talked with Him 💪

United States
32 years
173 cm
(5 ‘8)
70 kg
(155 lbs)

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Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training

You’re probably wondering who I am and what I can do for you. My name is Edir Terry and nickname “Belico”, I am from Venezuela Caracas and live in Miami FL.

I am a coach, personal trainer, MMA Pro Fighter, Entrepreneur, MMA Coach, Fitness Coach, Manager, Inter Market, Blogger, Social Media Marketer, Designer, Business Owner and an Investor. I have obtained sponsors which can be found on my website at

I played different sports such as baseball, skateboard and bmx. I have been training martial arts since I was 15 1/2 years old. Why, it is simple, I have always been a fan of the art of martial arts and on a personal note, I was picked on in my younger years and did not want to be bullied.

For me sports has always been and still is a way out for me, allowing me to prove to myself that I am something more than just the kid who got bullied. I continue to further educate myself through YouTube videos, reading and learning from others.

Fitness is not just about the physical part but the mentality aspect as well. You can have the skill, the dedication and everything else but having the right mindset is what will help you make it a lifestyle.

I love to train MMA and lifting weights to me it’s a lifestyle, I do it for the love and just enjoy and have a lot of fun while doing it, it makes me feel great with myself.

Describe a typical day of training

I participate in a training camp that lasts 5-8 weeks and then I get ready for a fight. Training consists of the following: 1-2 times per day with each session lasting 1-1 1/2 hrs each (can consist of striking and wrestling or grappling and strength conditioning or all three, it depends on the day), 6 weeks from the fight I will train 1-2 times a day and go up to training 2-3 times a day.

After working out its time to take a shower, eat to refuel and relax for two hours. During those two hours I will watch a motivational movie, further educate myself or study fights, I do my best to use my time wisely and efficiently.

As far as supplements I take BCAA, joint support and pre-workout. I do my best to provide my body with what it needs naturally.

I believe training is 98% hard work, 1% skills and 1% talent. It is important to have your mind, body and soul on the same page when it comes to training. Yes it will be challenging but it is worth it.

How do you keep going and push harder?

Once you start training and working toward your goals, it becomes a lifestyle and it becomes a part of you.

I have been training in martial arts for 16 and half years and over time I have realized it is a way of life! East, sleep, breath and dream with it, because it is you who will turn your dreams in to a reality!

Motivation does not just come from external forces, it comes from within. Some days are harder and more challenging than others. I remind myself why I started, what my goals are and deep down I know I need to and have to do this. This is what I have been working for my entire life. That applies to life, not just training.

I remind myself that once I reach a goal, that’s not the end, there is still more. Once you start training and working toward your goals, it becomes a lifestyle and it becomes a part of you.

How would your students feel if you stop, how will people in your circle feel, it affects everyone. At the end of the day I do this for my own personal development, to get better, feel better and love myself. I make the time because when I workout it is my happy place and we all deserve time for ourselves and do at least one thing every day that makes us happy and feel good!

Dealing with significant family changes and having an upcoming fight with only a week in a half notice. I have realized you can be more than what you think, despite the odds and you are stronger than you think.

How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

How am I doing today, what does the future look like? I am doing the best I can with what I have. Every day is a new opportunity to grow and prosper. As far as the future goes, that is left unwritten, BUT, I have set goals for myself that I continue to work towards each and every day!

I am to be a UFC Champion under 135 lbs division. I first became the regional champion, then state champion and then the World Champion in Karate, after accomplishing those I know I can make it to the UFC!

I am a Black Belt in ‘Shotokan’ Karate-Do, Blue Belt in Judo and Black Belt in Freestyle Fighting “MMA”. I want to leave a legacy of a fighter, a fitness and MMA trainer.

I want people to know the kind of fighter I am and be able to help people achieve their goals and stay fit. I train fighters along with helping people achieve their fitness goals and still train and complete myself.

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This MMA journey has made me who I am today, however I do wish I started karate at a younger but things happen for a reason and I am forever grateful.

How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?

I have learned through experience and by further educating myself that recovery time is key.

Let’s face it, the majority of us aren’t huge fans of recovery time. I make sure I get 7-8 hours of sleep and train properly with proper form and technique.

If I travel, I look for gyms in the area that fit my training needs, which allows me to stay dedicated to my training. I have learned through experience and by further educating myself that recovery time is key.

I listen to my body when I get injured and learn to compensate and do what I need to in order to recover. A huge part of recovery is sleep, I make sure I obtain 6-8 hours.

Jackie Orest is someone I trust to work on my but I don’t get to have work done because she lives in New Jersey and I live in Miami. Once in a blue moon I will take BCAA for recovery because sometimes our body needs a little extra natural assistance.

How is your diet and what supplements do you use?

I try not to eat fast food and try to eat a lot of green, chicken and meat. I will eat carbs and protein in the afternoon and morning and have protein at night but no carbs.

Off season dieting is 50 – 60% healthy but as time gets closer to a meat, it changes to a stricter and cleaner diets (80 – 90%), staying away from red meat and aim more for fish and chicken.

As far as cheat days go, off season has 2-3 days and in season has 1 day (I won’t be cheating the entire day, it will be one treat, it does not last the entire day). I do not drink coffee however I will drink wine once in a blue moon (special occasion, really rough week and will only have 1-2 glasses max).

It is not about indulging, it’s about moderation. Everybody’s body is different and what works for one person may or may not work for someone else.

What has inspired and motivated you?

I started learning karate when I was about 16 years of age. Then I saw a video of a fight between Royce Gracie and Ken Shamrock. I believe it was in UFC 1, 2 or 3. MMA was not that famous then, not many people knew about it. Royce was crazy hahaha, was one of the smallest guys in the tournament. He beat Shamrock, who was one of the taller and stronger guys. That inspired me to join MMA.

I knew I wasn’t going to go far with just Karate in the tournaments. So I joined this school, Freestyle Fighting Academy. That’s how my journey for Mixed Martial Arts started.

Currently, I have switched to a new gym called MMA Masters, where I continue to pursue my goals and dreams. The music I resort to for working out is reggaeton or rap music.

One of the most motivating quotes I was told was, “Don’t you f** worry if your the best in gym all you have to care is that you are the best and your doing your best and at the end of the day it’s you against you against you, nobody else.” In MMA GSP (Canadian 170 lbs fighter) is my biggest idol overall.

Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?

To be able to live a healthy lifestyle is necessary to be not just physically fit, but also be mentally strong.

My main aim with my clients is to train them to live a healthy lifestyle. Make them fit, not just physically but also mentally. I don’t just train my clients physically, I also help them create a positive outlook on life and stay focused. To be able to live a healthy lifestyle is necessary to be not just physically fit, but also be mentally strong.

I aim to help my clients reach their goal(s) while educating them along the way. They can just train to be fit, or to be an amateur fighter in any competition, or be a professional fighter like me, or just learn self defense.

I can help them with all of that. But when they train with me, before we start with the physical aspect of the training, I train them to be mentally fit. I want my clients to be physically and mentally fit, so that they can live a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Are you taking on clients right now?

I am a professional MMA fighter that is taking on clients right now (in person, thinking about virtual training) and I look forward to helping more people reach their goals!

I specialize in the following: MMA coach, fitness coach, strength and condition coach, calisthenics. I do private training sessions and small group training sessions. I am a well rounded individual who has over 16 years of experience.

I have vast experience in karate, kickboxing, boxing, muay thai, freestyle wrestling, greco roman wrestling, judo, brazilian jiu jitsu, fitness, strength and conditioning.
I have learned from my 16 plus years of experience and continue to train other athletes who have been successful.

A common question people ask is how do I lose weight with working out. My response is simple, it is 70% what you eat and 30% how you workout.

Where can we learn more about you?
@belicomma (Instagram)
@limited.belico (Instagram)
Edir Terry (Facebook)
@BelicoMMA (Twitter)
@belicomma (TikTok)
BelicoMMA (Youtube)
Climbing The World (Youtube)

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